The leader in Stock Market Education. Check out our options and features included.
Sharetrackin NOW? is incredibly especially extremely user friendly.
Whether you are a newcomer in the investing field or already an active investor, ShareTrackin will guide you safely through the often unknown world of investing and will provide you with the foundation to achieve success.



Our Features
A simulation, offering trial runs with “fictitious money” allows you to invest with confidence without any risk.
Question & Answer facility
Our in house experts will answer your questions about the stock market, trading and more.
Installation & Training
A once-off Installation and training session on the Share Trackin NOW software, at your preferred location.
SMS Alerts
SMS alert function informs you of the daily performance of your personal stocks direct to your mobile phone.
Stock Market courses
Become part of a dynamic club and experience an environment of co-operation, companionship and share ideas.
Share Trackin NOW software
Share Trackin NOW software to analyse stocks by means of technical indicators, filters, and advisers.
Access to a Guru
Want to speak to someone who has been trading for years? Why not come and speak to our Guru to get you on the road of success.
24 Hour Customer Support
24 Hour telephonic back-up and support, offering clients the opportunity to contact us anywhere, anytime.
and more...
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Thank you for your wisdom and knowledge you shared. This is appreciated. Now to apply it and do continual learning!
- Michael
My purchasing of the ShareTrackin' program has been one of the best personal business decisions I've ever made and God willing I intend to continue using it not only for future competitions but also for doing real transactions at JSE.
- Paul Muntean
Not only did the ShareTrackin competition offer a rare opportunity for participants to trade their portfolios live on the JSE and hone their skills with no risk, but it also offered an unbeatable financial return.
- Gavin Russell
The Share Trackin team and the software was a revelation in my life. Being young and having no knowledge of the stock market, I could not ask for a better support structure from the Share Trackin Team. The training and ongoing support on the software made my task that much easier to trade on the stock exchange.
- Reuben Naidu